Title: Life Coach & Neuro Linguistic Practitioner
Coach Chego Motau is 30 years of age and resides in Midrand. He developed passionate about behavioural mental wellbeing from age of 15, this passion developed from Dr Phil show. Chego is a qualified NLP/ Life coach, Motivational speaker, MC and also holds an honours degree in Psychology. Chego also works for a financial institution in South Africa as a specialised expert that coaches, enables and support branches from head office in Johannesburg.
Specialise in Mental Transformational – as I assist clients reach their goals, Spiritual coach, Career coaching, youth coaching, wellness coach, and financial coach.
Address of practice: 6 Summerset road, Sagewood Ext 22, Summerset Place.
Contact number: 073 520 6118
Email address: Psychcare25@gmail.com